5 Tips on How to Enjoy Holidays Foods with Braces

December 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wittortho @ 6:14 am
family and friends enjoying holiday foods

Memorable moments with your loved ones are one of the best parts of the holidays. This can include eating many of your favorite seasonal dishes and treats during meals with them! While you are excited about the festivities, you may be concerned about getting food stuck in your braces, causing an unexpected visit to your orthodontist. Fortunately, you can prevent that from happening with these helpful tips for eating holiday foods with braces.

#1. Choose Soft Holiday Foods

One of the wonderful things about the holiday celebrations is the variety of food to choose from! With the wide array of choices during parties, events, and meals, there are bound to be many soft food options. If you wear braces, it’s a good idea to make a beeline for those that will be easier to chew. Some common holiday soft foods are mashed potatoes, carrots, yams, soups, cream-based pie, and pudding.

#2. Use Gravy

Turkey and ham are often part of people’s seasonal meals. And, fortunately, so is yummy gravy! This is a great way to soften up meats. You can even use it to make other foods more chewable. Now you have an excuse to have extra helpings of it. Slice your dinner into smaller pieces and pour gravy on it. After a few moments, even tougher foods will become more braces-friendly.

#3. Cut Your Food into Bite-Sized Pieces

Some holiday foods, like certain appetizers, can be challenging for people with braces to consume. If you want to indulge in these, you can cut them in half or in bite-sized pieces instead of trying to eat the entire thing in one go. Putting them in smaller pieces will keep your braces from any harm or damage.

#4. Chew Your Food with Caution

The key to enjoying your favorite foods is making sure you chew slowly and carefully. To protect your smile, it’s wise to bite with the side of your mouth instead of using your front teeth. Also, do your best to be cautious when trying different foods. You don’t want to get an unexpected surprise when biting into a treat, like a hard nut inside of a piece of soft candy.

#5. Pack a Dental Kit

In the midst of all the festivities, be sure to take proper care of your smile.  It’s especially important for people undergoing orthodontic treatment to continue to practice good oral hygiene. If you will be traveling for the holidays, you can prepare a dental care travel kit so you can still be consistent with your routine. Include essentials like a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. Do your best to clean your pearly whites as soon as you can after eating, even if it’s just a snack!

You can enjoy your favorite holiday foods and keep your orthodontic treatment on track. By following these helpful tips, you can avoid any problems with your braces and keep your smile happy on the way to straighter teeth.

About the Author

Dr. Davis Witt and his team serve the smiles of Worcester County and the surrounding areas. With over 25 years in private practice, he takes the stress out of orthodontic treatments as you progress toward your healthy, beautiful smile. He offers a variety of services, including traditional braces. If you need help with your current braces or are interested in a consultation, contact him through his website or call (508) 721-7900.

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